Platelet Rich Plasma

PRP treatments use platelets from your own body injected directly into your skin to stimulate a rejuvenation response.

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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy  

Widely referred to as the vampire facelift or vampire facial, this revolutionary new procedure is the new kid on the block when it comes to the world of aesthetics. A host of celebrities have already plastered their stunning results all over social media. And with an army of satisfied customers having received this treatment from one of our skilled staff members at Advanced Aesthetics, it appears we have fallen upon the fabled fountain of youth. 

The body really is a magnificent tool, what with it having the ability to heal itself. This is where non-surgical PRP therapy comes into action as it offers a form of regenerative medicine able to boost the natural growth factors your body uses to heal tissue, which can help plump and revitalise your saggy skin. Thanks to its regenerative properties, surgeons are known to use PRP to help top-level athletes recover from career threatening injuries, while it can also be used to help the healing process of wounds and even to treat hair loss. 

This exciting process basically involves fitting a mask made out of a component of your own blood, which is then spread across your face to help rejuvenate your complexion. Despite the technique sounding a little scary, it actually boasts extremely impressive results and is pretty much a painless experience for people of all ages.

Don’t let the “vampire” term put you off, the procedure gets its name from our skilled therapists’ ability to remove platelets from a patient’s blood and inject them back into the skin, specifically the areas in need of freshening up or rehydrating. Platelets and plasma are found naturally in a person’s blood and are used as part of the cell regeneration process. PRP therapy takes advantage of their natural healing properties and healthy protein in order to help restore that youthful glow and vibrant radiance that can be lost in a person’s skin as part of the ageing process, unfortunately just a downside of getting older. 

With years of experience between us at Advanced Aesthetics, we are perfectly qualified to perform this modern procedure to the highest possible standard. One of our team is always available, via our social media pages or various contact methods, to put your mind at ease or give you a detailed breakdown of what each and every one of our technical treatments entails – if you so wish.


PRP therapy is carried out by extracting a small amount of blood from the patient and placing it into a centrifuge, which spins the blood and separates it into three parts. From there, the platelet plasma, which is used to help treat the skin, will be harvested. Once completed, we’ll inject what is known as the "serum portion” into a patient’s skin, from there it works its magic to help reduce wrinkles and fine lines. This process creates a vibrant rehydrated complexion to your skin by adding an extra volume to the surface. It also plumps up and gives an increase in volume to improve the overall complexion, which may have previously been damaged due to fine lines and wrinkles. 

Offering a non-invasive, quick and natural way to make patients feel younger for longer, this modern, cost effective technique can really embellish a person’s slightly diminished features. We know how popular this is among our loyal clients, therefore our therapists at Advanced Aesthetics are fully trained in this procedure and are prepped and ready to go with all of the latest equipment needed to give you your desired look by helping to heal any diminished tissue that needs a little sprucing up. 

There is relatively little to no downtime associated with this stunning treatment – and most happy clients see a major improvement in skin texture and tone all within the week. Here at Advanced Aesthetics we also offer a variety of treatments and advice to help give longer lasting results, following the procedure.

Why have PRP?

PRP treatments use platelets from your own body injected directly into your skin to stimulate a rejuvenation response.

PRP therapy has been used for many years to treat a range of conditions and injuries such as damage to tendons and ligaments.

The plasma rich platelets initiates the cell therapy process by utilising the growth factors within the platelets.

It can assist with healing tissues after cosmetic work, stimulating hair growth and help slow the ageing process.

Treatment Length

Treatment takes 60 minutes in the clinic.


PRP can be used all over the body but is most commonly used on the face, neck and head.

Interested in PRP Treatment?

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